Descripción del proyecto
Acobiom is a French Biotech SME (SAS, 8 employees). Since its foundation, June 1999, Acobiom has always been at the forefront of medical innovation, in particular in biomarker discovery and diagnostic development, thanks to its expertise and knowledge in genomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics, and data science.
In 2011, Acobiom began working to address the problem of pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic cancer is currently the 4th leading cause of cancer death in Western Countries. If no action is taken, it will rise to be second in 2020. For nearly 80% of patients (~51K and ~150K in USA and EU patients in 2017), diagnosis occurs at an advanced, non-surgical stage, making them incurable. The high mortality rate, with more than 95% of patients dead at 5 years, versus 13% for breast cancer, is partly due to the difficulty to diagnose, but also because of the lack of stratification of patients and a limited choice for treatments in the current decision-making process.
There are currently three major chemotherapy regimens for the pancreatic cancer, and up until now, the decisional algorithm in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) management does not mention pharmacogenomics biomarkers, needed to stratify patient populations and to choose the best treatment with the best clinical effectiveness for a given patient. These regimens have very different toxicities profiles which factors in to which regimen is recommended.
Through ImOPac project, Acobiom aims to implement an innovative approach to improve personalized pancreatic cancer management in the decision-making process of PDAC, by using biomarkers to help in the patient stratification. This approach is the GemciTest, a non-invasive test based on an 11-gene blood signature score.
Thanks to this innovation, Acobiom has an opportunity to create an EU new market estimated at 360 M€, and leading to a 34 M€ turnover by 2024.