Descripción del proyecto
This project will transform the perception of, and possibilities for, the next generation Internet. It addresses the FI Content Usage Call in a number of innovative, practical and useful ways. With inputs from 5 important content areas, spanning future uses of AV, games, Web, metadata and user created content, demonstrating usage beyond current state of the art, we have assembled a consortium including major content providers, games companies, hardware vendors, network operators, broadcasters, research institutes and academia to propose a number of novel and inventive scenarios for new forms of content. We are providing a framework to allow transformations of our scenarios into technical outputs, as well as project management to ensure this ambitious project succeeds in creating services and experiments. As individual members, we have extensive expertise in collaborative projects, and as a consortium we can demonstrate actual business and research needs for improvements to today's Internet which will drive and shape our groundbreaking work.The project as a whole addresses 5 key areas where today's Internet can be improved: better QoS and experience, direct Internet connectivity (a serverless world), usage beyond a purely static text/plugin/browser based approach, better tracking of content, and the ability to provide support, failover and resilience across different providers (eg mobile devices, crossing between countries, or moving between different access points (eg home to library) Our approach will focus on early proof of concepts to facilitate just enough technical specification to deliver requirements to the Core Platform. This will allow us to rapidly propose new scenarios and use cases, and reject them at an early stage if they prove unsuitable. Within our overall content areas, we expect a number of our scenarios to progress through to Phase 2 of the FI project, where we will demonstrate concrete prototypes, SME engagement and running code.