Descripción del proyecto
The aeronautic industry is the key driver of European competitiveness, playing a fundamental role in facilitating economic growth and social inclusion, providing revenues to otherwise isolated regions and helping people to enlarge their horizons. However, the unprecedented economic crisis has posed several relevant challenges that affect European competitiveness, performance and sustainability. Europe is also assisting a main demographic development characterised by an aging population and also declining of younger age groups. In this context, shortage of qualified personnel may affect the aeronautic sector in the future, unless there is a joint effort to attract young Europeans to future careers in the field of Aeronautics. The main aim of the FLY HIGHER project is to attract, motivate and encourage young Europeans to embrace future careers in the field of Aeronautics by raising awareness of young people about future career paths in aeronautics .The project will promote a wide range of well-balanced activities, the FLY HIGHER MISSION – Pathway to Success, intent to reach three different target groups children and youth; teachers and educators; counsellors and Career Advisors. A wide programme of EDUTAINMENT activities includes hands-on experiments; games and simulations, visits, workshops, competitions, science cafes, training for teachers and career advisers, speed-dating, organisation of the AIR DAY, STEM tutorial and career kits will promote the establishment of a closer dialogue and allowing a direct contact on a friendly, informal and fun environment between children and youth, parents, school community, universities, industry and several aeronautic key stakeholders. With the project at least 20,000 participants are expected to be involved, more than 500,000 people are estimated to be aware of the programme of activities and at least 1,500 researchers and aeronautic professionals are expected to be directly involved in the delivery of the activities.