The FLARE consortium comprises key stakeholders from industry, academia and policy makers, involved in ship flooding risk research as a Group for over twenty years (HARDER, SAFEDOR, GOALDS, EMSA III, eSafe), the latter three focus...
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Descripción del proyecto
The FLARE consortium comprises key stakeholders from industry, academia and policy makers, involved in ship flooding risk research as a Group for over twenty years (HARDER, SAFEDOR, GOALDS, EMSA III, eSafe), the latter three focussing on passenger ships. This offers a unique knowledge base and capability to support targeted new developments and expedite implementation. The overriding objective is to develop a Risk-Based methodology for 'live' flooding risk assessment and control, to be achieved by: - Creating an updated accident database for passenger ships and damages. Using this with support from suitably verified flooding simulation tools to develop a generic risk model for flooding incidents, accounting for collision and grounding with focus on cost-effective risk containment in emergencies. - Ensuring the risk model is generic (all incidents in one model), holistic (active and passive measures) with potential application to newbuildings and existing ships. - A risk-aware approach post-flooding incidents from susceptibility to flooding to emergency response, including mustering and abandonment in extreme flooding scenarios. - Innovative technical solutions at TRL5 in ship concepts and equipment targeting risk containment, including: crashworthiness; minimising the risk from WT doors; use of highly expandable foam post-incident; decision support for crisis management. - Developing a proposal for the revision of relevant IMO regulations towards a risk-based approach to contain and control risk in passenger ships from flooding incidents.
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