Descripción del proyecto
We are at a tipping point where unveiling the nature of distant dust-obscured galaxies and the formation of the first proto-clusters in our Universe is finally possible thanks to recent advances in multi-wavelength astronomy. Taking advantage of a unique ensemble of deep, large-area data sets from the far-infrared (FIR) to radio wavelengths in the COSMOS and H20 fields, I propose the project FIRSTDUST (Far-Infrared to Radio Search for disTant Dust-obscUred galaxies and STructures) that will provide: a complete characterization of the dust-obscured star-formation rate density (SFRD) at z = 2–6, and robust constraints on the contribution of previously undiscovered galaxy (proto)clusters to the SFRD. FIRSTDUST will also deliver the census of dusty star forming galaxies and proto-clusters, providing invaluable targets for the upcoming next-generation telescopes (e.g. JWST, E-ELT). I have unique expertise on producing multi-wavelength photometric catalogs by synthesizing data from IR and radio telescopes, and sophisticated data processing and measurement skills with (sub)mm interferometry (ALMA, NOEMA and ATCA). G. Magdis’ group at DTU Space has exclusive access to JWST MIRI GTO data and unique expertise to support the analysis with the FIR+(sub)mm data. The Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) has been constructing the largest, exclusive access data sets in the IR side and leading the 50 square degree DAWN survey, which is essential to this project. My dedicated work at DTU & DAWN is thus the best synergy to realize the proposed project.