Descripción del proyecto
The long-term preservation of digital audiovisual media presents a range of complex technological, organisational, economic and rights-related issues, which have been the subject of intensive research over the past fifteen years at national, European and international levels. Although good solutions are emerging, and there is a large body of expertise at a few specialist centres, it is very difficult for the great majority of media owners to gain access to advanced audiovisual preservation technologies. Presto4U will focus research efforts onto useful technological solutions, raise awareness and improve the adoption of audiovisual preservation research results, both by service providers and media owners, and with a particular emphasis on meeting the needs of smaller collections, private sector media owners and new stakeholders.<br/>The project will:- Create a series of Communities of Practice in the principal sub-sectors of audiovisual media preservation, which will develop a body of knowledge on the status of digital preservation practice, outstanding problems and needs for access to research results;- Identify useful results of research into digital audiovisual preservation;- Promote the take-up of promising research results by users, technology vendors and service providers, based on results of hands-on technology assessment, promotion of standards, analysis of economic and licensing models, and provision of brokering services;- Raise awareness of the need for audiovisual media preservation and disseminate information about project results;- Evaluate the impact of the project and develop plans for long-term sustainability.<br/>The resulting knowledge, tools and services to support the uptake of research, will be maintained after completion by PrestoCentre, the European Competence Centre for audiovisual preservation.<br/>The Presto4U Consortium comprises fourteen partners from seven EU countries (NL, UK, FR, IT, DK, IE, AT), covering a wide range of preservation expertise based on extensive research, multiple Communities of Practice, and centres specialising in technology transfer between research and industry.