Innovating Works


ELEM Virtual Heart Populations for Supercomputers
ELEM’s V.Heart is a supercomputer-based platform to perform massive in-silico clinical trials on populations of digital avatars generated through a database of real medical data, to study the outcomes of different therapies. It as... ELEM’s V.Heart is a supercomputer-based platform to perform massive in-silico clinical trials on populations of digital avatars generated through a database of real medical data, to study the outcomes of different therapies. It assesses the safety and efficacy of novel therapeutics, devices or drugs, by computing thousands of scenarios. Current capability covers classic or leadless pacing and cardiac pumps and cardiac safety of drugs. Our plan is to add new therapies whilst increasing the range of our patented virtual population technology. V.Heart generates unparalleled medical insights and new evidence for biomedical professionals whilst shortening time to market and reducing business and patient risks. It narrows the scope for animal testing and tapers real human trials by evaluating clinical study endpoints much faster and earlier in the development process. Eventually, digital avatars become a Digital Twin of any given patient used as a predictive tool for precision medicine. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 22 meses Fecha Inicio: 2023-04-11
Fecha Fin: 2025-02-28

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo HORIZON EUROPE notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2023-04-11
Línea de financiación objetivo El proyecto se financió a través de la siguiente ayuda:
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 4M€
Líder del proyecto
ELEM BIOTECH La creacion, distribucion, comercializacion de productos tecnologicos software en el campo biomedico, biotecnologico y clinico asi como la p...
Perfil tecnológico TRL 4-5 215K