Descripción del proyecto
MUnique Tech`s DORT (Dynamic Optical Ranging & Timing) system is an optical pulsed device which offers a new high precise distance measurement. The system is designed for space applications which means, that space relevant distances can be absolutely measured with a very high resolution. Thanks to a high measurement rate fast movements can also be detected. The innovation of the technology is a novel mathematical algorithm which combines the best of state-of-the-art technologies like LIDAR and laser interferometer. The device will be used in very small satellites (CubeSats) and thus entre the NewSpace market. This technology is not only intended for space, but also enables a large number of applications in the terrestrial field, like Large Volume Metrology. MUnique Tech generates a very wide field of possibilities with a single system which can be seen as a game changing technology.
During the project a multipoint measurement for the device will be developed. With an add-on to the existing measurement system, it is possible to measure several points in parallel with equal performance. This means an enormous competitive advantage in comparison to competing devices. The performance and versatility of the updated DORT technology will be proven in a measurement campaign with several partners.
With the support of ‘Women TechEU’, the technological development of the system is boosted and the market validation starts. In addition, MUnique Tech will benefit from coaching, especially skills training like ‘how to grow a business’ and ‘negotiation strategies’, and networking on European level.