Descripción del proyecto
Rangeland livestock farming systems (RLFS), despite facing challenges, play a significant role in achieving the sustainable development goals in Europe. Although RLFS have an important role in the transition towards the European Green Deal, with the provision of crucial ecosystem services, they still require support, including extension services, farmer to farmer network and participatory monitoring and evaluation. The use of innovative technologies has an important role to play and take part of a wider bundle of measures required to improve the future viability of such farming systems. DIGI-Rangeland network aims to create and expand an innovative network about digital innovations and data technologies with actors (farmers and other land-users) facing challenges in rangeland territories at regional, national, and European levels. Based on a multi-actor approach, the project aims to increase knowledge sharing and mutual understanding between EU stakeholders, and foster cross-fertilization between rangeland areas actors around the use of digital technologies and innovations (DTI). To achieve this, partners in 10 countries will be involved in: a) setting up an EU network with farmers groups, land-users, 10 innovation and demonstration HUBs, and important stakeholders in the 10 rural-AKIS; b) identifying, prioritising, and analysing needs, obstacles and expectations from farmers and land-users; c) identifying and analysing DTI solutions matching the needs of the RLFS farmers and other land-users; d) evaluating and assessing solutions and barriers, to foster DTI adoption within RFLS; e) improving knowledge level with a range of scaling activities, demonstrations, and training, for farmers, advisors, students, land-users. Partners will prepare and implement communication and dissemination activities through trusted channels to maximise the impact of the project’s outputs.