Innovating Works


CorrelAtes of Protective immuniTy driven Investigation of malaria VAccine combin...
CorrelAtes of Protective immuniTy driven Investigation of malaria VAccine combinaTion stratEgies Malaria remains a serious health concern worldwide, with P. falciparum considered one of the deadliest human parasites. Yet, the currently approved vaccine against malaria (RTS,S/AS01) offers limited protection due to challenges i... ver más
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Presupuesto del proyecto: 8M€

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Financiación concedida El organismo HORIZON EUROPE notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2023-10-09
HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-06-04-two-stage: Development of new effective therap... Expected Outcome:This topic aims at supporting activities that are enabling or contributing to one o...
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