Descripción del proyecto
CAFEIN aims at facilitating the design and subsequent adoption by national innovation funding agencies (members of the Innovation Funding Advisory Board) of an inclusive and cross border joint action plan to support the green industrial transition of their SMEs. The action plan will participate to make Europe climate neutral by 2050 with improved circular economy, resource efficiency and resilience, building European industrial value chains. The project uses a bottom-up approach, where national cluster associations act as facilitators and innovation ecosystem experts for national funding agencies. Having associations of clusters as partners will allow to efficiently engage and connect all stakeholders of the quadruple helix (public authorities, start-ups, SMEs, large companies, investors, research and innovation actors, academia, incubators and business servicCAFEIN aims at facilitating the design and subsequent adoption by national innovation funding agencies (members of the project’s Innovation Funding Advisory Board) of an inclusive joint action plan to support the green industrial transition of their SMEs. This joint action plan will participate to make Europe climate neutral by 2050 with improved circular economy, resource efficiency and resilience, building European industrial value chains. The project uses a bottom-up approach, where association of clusters act as facilitators and ecosystems experts for national funding agencies. Having associations of clusters as partners will allow to efficiently engage and connect all the quadruple helix’s stakeholders (public authorities, start-ups, SMEs, large companies, investors, research and innovation actors, academia, incubators and business service providers). Citizens will also be addressed, making them aware on the green industrial transition and collaboration challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, the partners will represent innovation leaders and less advanced innovation ecosystems, leaving no one behind.