Descripción del proyecto
Certification, InteRnationalisation and standaRdization in cloUd Security (CIRRUS) aims to bring together representatives of industry organizations, law enforcement agencies, cloud services providers, standard and certification services organizations, cloud consumers, auditors, data protection authorities, policy makers, software component industry etc. with diverse interests in security and privacy issues in cloud computing.<br/>Different stakeholders have different expectations, views or requirements related to cloud computing. Users are worried about data portability or cloud interoperability, to ensure privacy and security when migrating their data from one cloud to another. Concerns about security in the cloud can prevent certain users, such as critical infrastructure operators, from moving their data to the cloud. Challenges coming from national legislations and cross-country agreements need to be faced by data law enforcement agencies, whilst compliance, auditing and certification are important for ICT service providers when dealing with their cloud related business. Loss of control, confidentiality, auditing and compliance implications are main concerns for Chief Information Officers.<br/>CIRRUS Consortium and Advisory Board are bringing representatives of these stakeholders together. It has an excellent balance of academic, private and public partners that enable balancing of their needs and views while maintaining the vision and high-level objectives such as bringing research project results to the market or improving trust in cyberspace.<br/>CIRRUS clouds are among the highest altitude clouds in troposphere: CIRRUS project also aims to provide "high-level, high-impact" support and coordination for European ICT security research projects. Project activities target joint standardization, certification schemes, link research projects with EU policy and strategy, internationalization, as well as industry best practices and public private cooperation initiatives.