Descripción del proyecto
In the wake of Russian aggression against Ukraine, the position of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the security architecture of the EU has become crucial. However, the voice of security research from the region is not well represented in security debates on the European and global level. The International Institute of Political Science (IIPS) of Masaryk University (MUNI) is perfectly positioned to address this disbalance, with its unique expertise of CEE in terms of area studies and outreach to policy sector. By twinning with leading European research centres in security and area studies: Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and Aleksanteri Institute at University of Helsinki (UoH), we seek to develop a promising research avenue focused on security cooperation and integrate the IIPS in international networks supported by Horizon Europe. We will follow three specific objectives:
(1) Strategic networking: coordination of MUNI, PRIO, and UoH research on security cooperation and building a pathway for sustainability through systematic development of follow-up projects.
(2) Developing culture of excellence at IIPS for both researchers and research managers and administrators (RMAs): delivering a research programme, training and knowledge exchange, empowerment of young researchers and female researchers.
(3) Developing pathways to societal and academic impact in the field of security cooperation.
Our actions will transform IIPS at MUNI into a hub for international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary collaboration on security cooperation. Beyond that, the training, networking, and integrative actions will help transform the broader environment for research in political science and international relations at MUNI, making it a recognized and attractive place to seek careers in research. Finally and ultimately, we will contribute to bringing CEE from the periphery of security discourse towards the centre, making the EU security policy more balanced and inclusive.