Innovating Works


Bridging the digital divide and addressing the need of Rural Communities with Co...
Bridging the digital divide and addressing the need of Rural Communities with Cost effective and Environmental Friendly Connectivity Solutions Over the last years, the importance and need for broadband and high-speed connectivity has constantly increased. The Covid-19 pandemic has even accelerated this process towards a more connected society. But this holds mainly true... ver más
Líder desconocido
Presupuesto del proyecto: 5M€

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Fecha límite participación Sin fecha límite de participación.
Financiación concedida El organismo HORIZON EUROPE notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2022-06-03
HORIZON-CL6-2021-COMMUNITIES-01-03: Smart XG, last-mile and edge soluti... ExpectedOutcome:In line with the ambitions of the Green Deal, the Digital Age and an Economy that wo...
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