Descripción del proyecto
The 24-month Womenture project aligns its efforts with the European Commission's objective to create interconnected, inclusive and more efficient innovation ecosystems across Europe that draws on the existing strengths of European, national, regional, and local ecosystems and pulls in new, less well-represented stakeholders and less advanced in innovation territories, to set, undertake, and achieve collective ambitions towards challenges for the benefit of the society, including green, digital, and social transitions.
The overall objective of the project is to empower innovation agencies and accelerators to generate and embed new joint services and activities into their initiatives to boost female entrepreneurship and women innovation in the participating ecosystems.
The consortium brings together innovation agencies and accelerators from strong, moderate, and emerging innovator regions with the aim to support women innovators, spread the entrepreneurial mindset, present them the already existing initiatives of the partners, projects, and networks dealing with women innovators and connect each other. Through the delivery of its activities (co-creation, co-design, co-assessment, capacity building, business support programme, innovation ecosystem hub creation), the project will result in enhanced connections, strengthened and more effective capacity of innovation ecosystem actors, improved visibility and increased involvement of women innovators in innovation initiatives towards economic development and growth.