Descripción del proyecto
During the night of September 25th, several events will be organized in eight Belgian cities (Brussels (3), Gent, Kortrijk, Liège, Louvain-la-Neuve, Mechelen, Namur and Redu-Transinne) in the frame of the European Researchers’ Night. So, nine partners are cooperating under the coordination of the Belgian Science Policy Office: six universities (Brussels (French- and Flemish speaking), Liège, Louvain-la-Neuve, Gent, Namur), one high school (Kortrijk), a non-profit body (Flanders Technology International vzw) which will hold its activities in Mechelen (Technopolis) and a private body, Créaction (the activities will be held at the EuroSpaceCenter in Redu-Transinne). The ‘Vrije Universiteit Brussel’ will cooperate with the ‘Erasmushogeschool’. Ghent University and ‘Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen’ will cooperate with their association partners ‘Hogeschool Gent’ and ‘Arteveldehogeschool’. The definition of the programme of activities has been developed by each partner. Each partner is also responsible for his own publicity campaign (local newspapers and / or radios ...) but the template will be common. The overall programme of activities appears thus quite varied, composed of games, quizzes, interactive experiments, demonstrations, on site discoveries, guided tours ... All activities offer the audience an opportunity to directly meet researchers and exchange with them on any topic, whether science-linked or not. Beside all these activities a poster contest will be organised, the launching being planned during this summer. So the artistes en herbe will get enough time to create the poster of the Researchers’ Night 2010, as asked by the Commission. Projects will be collected and displayed in all the venues and the winners of the competition will be announced just after the Night.