Descripción del proyecto
Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) plays a significant role in the reproductive health of European society and is a fast growing part of the health industry. In this context, B2-InF will seek to answer two questions: (1) How do young people perceive and think about ART? (2) How can ART clinics better align their research, services, and information with the views, concerns and expectations of citizens? By answering these questions, B2-InF aims to promote public participation in the science and provision of ART so that these become more responsive to the needs and concerns of society.
The project will be carried out in three stages. In the first stage, data is collected about perceptions and awareness of ART in young populations and the information offered by clinics to their clients. In the second stage, this data is analysed from sociocultural, legal and gender perspectives in order to detect misalignments and other weak points and to determine ways of improving the information offered by clinics. Based on this analysis, the project will produce a set of national and international recommendation guidelines. In the third stage, these guidelines along with policy briefs and other results will be disseminated to clinics, policymakers, and other key stakeholders in scientific fields, the health industry, and the general public.
B2-InF proposes an integrated research methodology to be carried out in eight European countries, including several underrepresented countries of Eastern Europe: Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Macedonia, Albania, Slovenia and Kosovo. The project is designed to work bottom-up, moving from citizens to scientists and policymakers, and will provide much-needed empirical data about the representation of ART in society, allowing for a better fit between the provision of ART and its legal and sociocultural environments. In short, B2-InF will give voice to citizens towards improving ART for society.