Descripción del proyecto
The X-NOISE EV Coordination Action, through its network structure and comprehensive workplan involving experts groups, scientific workshops, international cooperation seminars and a common information system, addresses the noise challenges faced by Aviation. To this end, it will more specifically:
- Evaluate EU-funded projects results and assess their contribution to the state-of-the-art.
- Formulate, through development of common strategies and complementarity with national activities, priorities and key topics for future projects aimed at noise reduction at source, low noise operations, and improved understanding and modelling of the impact of aircraft noise in the community, including environmental interdependencies.
- Ensure dissemination and exploitation of research findings, including technical information aimed at Regulatory Bodies and Policymaking Agencies.
- Contribute to an improved integration of the European Aviation Noise Research Community through a network of National Focal Points covering all countries with such technical interest
- Identify potential reinforcement of future projects partnership through extended international networking and dedicated processes to foster new collaborations and promote novel ideas.
The project scope is fully consistent with the FP7 Transport workprogramme (Aeronautics), significantly contributing to the objectives of reducing Aircraft Noise by 10 dB per operation as set by the ACARE 2020 Vision,.while addressing key factors associated with Airport Noise issues.
Over 4 years, the project will involve 29 partners from 21 countries (FR, UK, ES, NL, BE, DE, SE, IT, PL, HE, HU, CZ, LT, IE, PT, RO, CH, RU, UKR, EG, BR), combining the complementary skills and expertise of industry partners, SMEs, universities and research establishments to cover the whole field of interest.