Descripción del proyecto
Today our food supply is provided by a long and intricate food chain that connects distant agriculture production sites to consumers in urban areas. This food chain characterizes by its complexity, integrating many players and high level of food processing. But in the past few years some trends have emerged seeking for quality products with less processing, relying on more sustainable and ecofriendly production methods. Consumers are also eager to grow their own food, as evidenced by the many urban gardens arising in our neighborhoods. Today there are some Do-it-Yourself solutions, small greenhouses and kits that allow people to grow their own vegetables and cooking herbs at homes. However, these urban gardens and orchards pose key limitations with regards to productivity, time required, need for skills, costs, and logistics (water supply, energy), often relying on chemicals to prevent diseases or promote growth. In response, we at Myfood have developed a smart and miniaturized greenhouse solution for cultivation of vegetables, fruits and fish through a permaculture & aquaponics approach. Our solution is conceived to be sustainable (recycled resources, minimized waste, solar energy) and environmentally friendly (no chemicals used, reduced carbon footprint from food processing and transport). Also, this solution uses smart technology to self-manage, minimizing the input needed from the user and reducing frustration. Having validated the reliability, functioning and market demand for this solution, this project now aims to finalise its technical development and market preparation. To achieve these goals we first need to carry a Feasibility Study that helps us secure this project from a technical, commercial and financial standpoint. Once completed, this project will bring key advantages to society and the environment while boosting the growth of our company. Indeed, we estimate to gain €14 million in profits and reach a ROI of €5 from this project after 5 years.