Descripción del proyecto
Africa, the largest single component of the African Caribbean Pacific (ACP) Group of States, despite its huge potential for development through both human and georesources, suffers in many places from poverty and underdevelopment. The sustainable use of its resources is a key issue, not only for development of the African countries, but also for the world’s future. Over the coming decades, these issues are likely to play an ever-increasing role due to the world’s growing population, rapid urban development and the rising demand for better infrastructure and services. The sustainable use of georesources requires a knowledge based on data, information and expertise. Thus, the availability, traceability, accessibility and processing using GIS technologies of heterogeneous data from multiple sources is essential. Such processing requires a qualified and experienced personnel and the definition of strategies for capacity building and training. In view of this situation, a recognised need has emerged for a shared, distributed, Internet-linked georesources observation system, based on open standards and interoperability developments, as a contribution to the sustainable development of African countries. The Support Action is the preparatory phase needed to design the African-European Georesource Observation System (AEGOS) capable of hosting and providing access to Africa’s geological resources, including groundwater, energy, raw materials and mineral resources. Its objectives are to define: i) operational procedures for data management (Spatial Data Infrastructure, metadata and data specification), ii) user-oriented products and services including the preparation of innovative spin off projects based on AEGOS and an evaluation of the input of Interoperability and interdisciplinary in support of GEOSS iii) the African- European partner network, iv) a geoscience contribution to GEOSS, in the context of INSPIRE