Descripción del proyecto
Project ACQUA brings together two of the most important trends in modern cryptographic study, with the aim of maximizing their combined benefit. One is the emergence of quantum computing as a realistic computational model, and
the other is the accelerated development of advanced cryptographic tools for the remote processing and control of private data.
As we aspire to a world where quantum computing is prevalent, it is necessary to prepare the proper cryptographic tools for users to utilize their data in such a world. This includes protection against quantum attackers (known as post-quantum security), ways for classical users to securely maintain and process data stored on a remote quantum device, and methods to utilize quantum powers to exceed classically achievable capabilities. Recent developments in quantum cryptographic research gave us a glimpse of the possibilities that such a world holds, but they are still few and far between. We are still far from understanding even the theoretical possibilities and limitations.
Project ACQUA is a concentrated effort, drawing from the theory of quantum computing and from the theory of cryptography, towards establishing advanced cryptography in a quantum world as a viable construct and unleashing its full potential.
The project objectives consist of studying the effect of quantum computing on the foundations of cryptography, constructing relevant classical building blocks, and developing new quantum-cryptographic tools that are needed for an advanced quantum-cryptographic future.