Descripción del proyecto
We, the LIFECOURSE team, have been developing a theoretical framework that combines biological, social, and psychological data into unified concepts over the past five years. We now have a combined biopsychosocial data framework that can be used to uncover and understand biosocial causal pathways to adolescent behaviour, including self-harm, suicide, substance-use, and delinquancy. To our knowledge, we possess the only linkage of high-quality biological, environmental, and social data across several developmental stages of life to matched longitudinal data (N=4000). In the proposed proof of concept we propose to build a computational infrastructure on this framework, creating a fully digitized toolkit that can benefit from digital automation, communication, and artificial intelligence methods. At the center of this strategy is a new detailed biopsychosocial computer simulation model. This first stage of development – a proof of concept – will already bring our data beyond current capabilities. We see this work as a necessary next step, taking the LIFECOUSE project beyond the state-of-the-art once again, with several fundamental implications and broad industrial, societal, and scientific impact.