Descripción del proyecto
"The design of hydro-machinery is typically based on qualitative, rather than quantitative, assessment of numerical simulations, since the values of the numerically predicted characteristics are frequently far from the measured ones. The primary aim of this project is to develop reliable, high fidelity methods for the accurate prediction, and optimisation, of the performance of hydro-machinery and marine propellers. For this purpose, the participating partners will share their knowledge, and work collaboratively, in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and particularly in SRS (Scale Resolving Simulations) for turbulent flows, modelling of cavitation, exploitation of HPC and cloud computing, open source CFD tools, and optimisation. In this way, an advanced open source CFD tool, augmented by a multi-objective optimisation framework, will be developed, validated and applied. To the proposer’s best knowledge, this would constitute a novel, and indeed the ultimate tool for the design of hydro-machines – turbines and pumps – and marine propellers.
The success of the proposed project is foreseen in the synergistic effects of highly complementary expertise; of two leading edge cross-sectoral European partners: the Applied Physics (Fisica Tecnica) group of the University of Trieste, Italy, and Turboinštitut, a Slovenian SME employing around 140 people, an independent institute for the development of hydro-machinery. The transfer of knowledge through the mobility of skilled researchers will enable the growth and competitiveness of both partners. For the SME, the project will increase its competitiveness on the world market in design and manufacturing of small hydro-machinery, while the Applied Physics group expects to increase its competence in applied CFD, which will be exploited in research activities and disseminated through classes, and its capability in assisting SMEs to apply advanced CAE methods in their design process."