Descripción del proyecto
Breast cancer (BCa) is the most common cancer in women worldwide with 2.1M new cases diagnosed annually, and this number is expected to double in 2030. However, today’s diagnostic tests lack precision and, as a result, many BCa patients are misdiagnosed then treated inaccurately, putting their lives at risk while creating undue problems for families and healthcare systems. MultiplexDX (a leading Slovak biotechnology company) proposes a personalized and precise diagnostic test for early and late stage BCa called Multiplex8+. The test combines two IP-protected, revolutionary and multiplexed cancer diagnostic technologies, visualization (RNA FISH) and RNA sequencing. By combining the two technologies to eliminate misdiagnosis, Multiplex8+ defines a specific BCa barcode that suggests a specific personalized treatment, length of therapy and clarifies how likely will a BCa patient benefit from chemotherapy or not.
There are 2 main objectives of this project: 1. Establish an ISO-15189 accredited laboratory to provide diagnostic services to cancer centers (B2B) and additionally to patients (B2C). A clinical validation on 4 000 tissue samples will be conducted to obtain clinically-based evidence; 2. Build the first successful high-value biotech company in Slovakia. The company has already raised €2,05M in seed investments and grants and started sales of subproducts generating €300k in revenues since 2016. MultiplexDX is operating in the Comenius University Science Park in Bratislava and consists of 17 team members, 5 business and 7 scientific advisors. Our planned accumulated revenues in the first 5 years are €305,3M, generating a net profit of €133,0M and representing a ROI of 10,3. Importantly, Multiplex8+ is supported by the entire oncology value chain (patient associations, cancer centers, hospitals, KOLs, insurance companies, pharma/medtech, clinical laboratories, biobanks, investors, etc.).