Expected Outcome:The successful proposal will enable the bio-based industries in the Union to contribute to the fair and just green transition, enhancement of European bio-based industrial sustainability and socio-economic viability at regional level, and to boost inclusive innovation of sustainable value-chains in the bio-based sectors. Project results will contribute to increasing engagement, understanding and participation of regional stakeholders, including policymakers, to develop policy on bio-based solutions, in line with the EGD objectives, updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy, Biodiversity Strategy, the EU circular economy and the EU zero pollution action plans.
Project results should contribute to the following expected outcomes:
Increased deployment of circular bio-based solutions in the regional settings, especially of the actors currently lagging behind[1], based on correct understanding of sustainability challenges and opportunities/benefits, while ensuring inclusive engagement of market operators and civil society, thus contributing to regional revitalization and fair and just green transition.Implement (i.e. integrate into regional/local policies...
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Expected Outcome:The successful proposal will enable the bio-based industries in the Union to contribute to the fair and just green transition, enhancement of European bio-based industrial sustainability and socio-economic viability at regional level, and to boost inclusive innovation of sustainable value-chains in the bio-based sectors. Project results will contribute to increasing engagement, understanding and participation of regional stakeholders, including policymakers, to develop policy on bio-based solutions, in line with the EGD objectives, updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy, Biodiversity Strategy, the EU circular economy and the EU zero pollution action plans.
Project results should contribute to the following expected outcomes:
Increased deployment of circular bio-based solutions in the regional settings, especially of the actors currently lagging behind[1], based on correct understanding of sustainability challenges and opportunities/benefits, while ensuring inclusive engagement of market operators and civil society, thus contributing to regional revitalization and fair and just green transition.Implement (i.e. integrate into regional/local policies) monitoring systems and assessment of the environmental impacts and circularity of bio-based systems for the EU single market and for international trade[2].Improved understanding and awareness by the regional and local stakeholders including at the authorities’ level, of the sustainability and circularity screening methodologies (for resources such as water, biodiversity, land use including ‘marginal land’ potentials/limitations, biological primary and secondary feedstock, which are all critical for the development of bio-based sectors and applications), supporting higher innovation capacity and inclusion of such methodologies into the regional bioeconomy strategies and action plans based on local resources, as well as social engagement.Improved resource efficiency of local resources and lowered environmental impact of the circular bio-based industrial activities in the regional and local scales (maximizing biodiversity enhancement and restoration through bio-based solutions, and the climate adaption and resilience of bio-based systems). Scope:While the bioeconomy carries great potential for achieving various policy aims related to sustainability, sustainability is not an intrinsic characteristic of the bioeconomy, but a potential it could achieve. For this reason, and to achieve the expected benefits, improving our capacity to assess the environmental impacts of bioeconomy (including any bio-based activity) development is of great importance. Regions[3] can be considered the most appropriate territorial level at which to implement bioeconomy strategies, including for the innovative bio-based sectors. The aim of this action is to support decision-makers to incorporate considerations of ecological limits into their regional bioeconomy strategies and roadmaps, when it comes to circular bio-based activities.
Proposals under this topic should:
Consider the existing datasets related to environmental sustainability assessment and its methodology options[4] and in particular Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data developed under the past BBI JU projects, as a baseline to develop/expand guidelines, digital tools[5] and other policy recommendations for the regional-level authorities and other bio-based sector’ stakeholders. Within the scoping of methologies for safe and sustainability assessment, the safe and sustainable by design assessment framework[6] should be considered.Include into study the following considerations: i) projections on bio-based chemicals and materials market growth, their value chains including biorefining options (small, including mobile, and large scale) and applications at EU/national and regional level, based on available sources[7], ii) tools to assess/model biomass (including secondary) availability requirements for chemicals, polymers and materials. iii) cover scenarios of growth while estimating impacts on food security Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF), biodiversity and ecosystems integrity (including potentials/limitations of biomass provision from marginal land).Perform a policy analysis (e.g. conflicting policies/trade-offs)/SWOT) and provide recommendations to policy makers at local/regional/EU level, taking into account the geographical distribution of the feedstock, and considering the regional ecological and socio-economic boundaries, as well as the related social impactsCollect and analyze the (range of) best available industrial bio-based systems in the scope of CBE JU within the EU in terms of environmental and circular performances,Develop practical forums for case studies’ collection and exchange of best practice at regional level, to build a preliminary set of benchmarks or references of best performing industrial systems, across a diversity of European regions, providing an inclusive platform for all stakeholders, including expert voices, market actors (especially SMEs), civil society (especially NGOs) and policy makers.Deploy actions to create or improve awareness of the policy makers related to opportunities in bio-based sectors, with a specific focus on under-represented regions.Ensure synergies and complementarities with parallel activities, including those of Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI)[8] and the projects funded under the Horizon Europe programme on bioeconomy governance, in particular when related to circular bio-based innovation systems[9]. Proposals must apply the concept of the 'multi-actor approach’ and ensure adequate involvement of civil society, public authorities and other relevant actors at regional scales, in particular in policy-making capacity. This will contribute towards the aim to support ‘fair and just green transition’, and aiming at not leaving anyone behind in this process.
Proposals should also describe their contribution to the Specific CBE JU requirements, presented in section, and the Cross-cutting elements, highlighted in section of the CBE JU Annual Work Programme 2023[10].
An Advisory Board shall be established by the project. The Bio-based Industries Consortium should be part of this Advisory Board to provide expertise in the implementation and follow up of the different tasks and provide support to the organisation of meetings and workshops. Cooperation with macro-regional initiatives such as BIOEAST Initiative[11] is encouraged. Explore the possibility to collaborate with and/or provide inputs to the European Commission Knowledge Centre on Bioeconomy.
International cooperation is encouraged, in order to collect best practices (indicators, methodologies, tools and data) outside EU and to expand the outreach of projects outputs, as a win-win solution, while taking care of the European industrial competitiveness.
[1] e.g. without regional bioeconomy/bio-based system roadmap or strategy, or in a need to regional revitalisation.
[2] in synergy and building on the project supported under HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-S-01 Developing and validating monitoring systems of environmental sustainability and circularity: collection of best practices and benchmarks
[3] at the EU NUTS2/3 level, as more appropriate for the level of data availability and reflecting the regional level of the guidance developed.
[4] such as those developed under the topic HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-S-01 Developing and validating monitoring systems of environmental sustainability and circularity: collection of best practices and benchmarks
[5] for environmental, sustainability and circularity monitoring such as those of advanced GIS, mobile web, robotics, cloud innovations, etc.
[6] See documents defining the framework and criteria on: https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/research-area/industrial-research-and-innovation/key-enabling-technologies/advanced-materials-and-chemicals_en.
[7] e.g. JRC Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre, biorefinery outlook assessments, BBI JU/CBE JU flagship mapping etc.
[8] https://circular-cities-and-regions.ec.europa.eu/ In this regard, the proposals should share their knowledge, solutions and recommendations with the CCRI Coordination and Support Office and the CCRI-related projects. They are also encouraged to contribute to the CCRI activities and/or organize joint actions.
[9] such as the parallel topics HORIZON-CL6-2023-GOVERNANCE-01-5: Revitalisation of European local (rural / peri-urban) communities with innovative bio-based business models and social innovation, HORIZON-CL6-2023-GOVERNANCE-01-6: Co-creation and trust-building measures for biotechnology and bio-based innovation systems, HORIZON-CL6-2023-GOVERNANCE-01-7: Integrated assessment of land use and biomass demands to contribute to a sustainable healthy and fair bioeconomy
[10] CBE JU Annual Work Programme 2023 (https://www.cbe.europa.eu/reference-documents)
[11] www.bioeast.eu; considering cooperation with the project BIOEAST-SUP and under parallel topic HORIZON-CL6-2023-GOVERNANCE-01-8: Mobilising BIOEAST networks for the development of national bioeconomy action programmes in support of the European Green Deal
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