Expected Outcome:The SESAR 3 JU is responsible for the execution and maintenance of the European ATM Master Plan. Considering that the Digital European Sky programme relies on the execution of phase D of European ATM Master Plan (2020 edition), further described in the SRIA, the project results will focus on deployment planning and monitoring, and will contribute to the following outcomes:
getting strong buy-in from both public and private decision-makers with regard to the execution of the European ATM Master Plan;accelerating market uptake of SESAR Solutions, differentiating voluntary from mandated/regulated deployment actions;aligning short-/medium-term deployment activities with the long-term vision outlined in the ATM Master Plan with a particular focus on (1) easing decision-making in relation to the transition from development to deployment and encouraging early movers and (2) monitoring the progress of deployment activities in relation to the vision outlined in the Master Planachieving comprehensive coverage of the deployment phase (i.e. industrialisation and implementation activities) Scope:The ATM Master Plan is composed of three levels: level 1, executive vi...
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Expected Outcome:The SESAR 3 JU is responsible for the execution and maintenance of the European ATM Master Plan. Considering that the Digital European Sky programme relies on the execution of phase D of European ATM Master Plan (2020 edition), further described in the SRIA, the project results will focus on deployment planning and monitoring, and will contribute to the following outcomes:
getting strong buy-in from both public and private decision-makers with regard to the execution of the European ATM Master Plan;accelerating market uptake of SESAR Solutions, differentiating voluntary from mandated/regulated deployment actions;aligning short-/medium-term deployment activities with the long-term vision outlined in the ATM Master Plan with a particular focus on (1) easing decision-making in relation to the transition from development to deployment and encouraging early movers and (2) monitoring the progress of deployment activities in relation to the vision outlined in the Master Planachieving comprehensive coverage of the deployment phase (i.e. industrialisation and implementation activities) Scope:The ATM Master Plan is composed of three levels: level 1, executive view; level 2, development planning and reporting; and level 3, deployment planning and reporting. The master planning project will focus on supporting the SESAR 3 JU to plan and report on deployment activities in both industrialisation and implementation. The scope could be extended to supporting the SESAR 3 JU in campaign to update the European ATM Master Plan 2020 level 1, should it be decided to do so. Similarly, some content integration activities could be performed to support the SESAR 3 JU programme management, providing that an efficient methodology be made available. The management of level 2 will be performed by the SESAR 3 JU, and close coordination with the project will take place to ensure due consideration of the link to deployment.
To achieve the expected outcomes, the activities to be performed under the leadership of the SESAR 3 JU will focus on the following areas.
Main activities: in connection with the network impact assessment results, develop and maintain optimised deployment scenarios for R&I uptake of SESAR Solutions throughout the European network, which will be the basis for the ATM Master Plan level 3 plan;develop and maintain related consolidated CBAs;develop and maintain optimised level 3 performance impact plans on future reference periods (at national and ECAC levels);consolidate and deliver the Master Plan level 3 plan, covering both voluntary (e.g. by early movers) and mandatory (e.g. regulated by Common Project ) deployment activities in both industrialisation (in particular standardisation and certification) and implementation;consolidate and deliver the annual Master Plan level 3 report;encourage market uptake, provide support in updating the SESAR Solutions Catalogue, in particular with regard to links to deployment, as a communications and dissemination tool. Additional support activities (on the request of the SESAR 3 JU): support the SESAR 3 JU in organising the Master Plan level 1 update campaign;update the deployment and business views for level 1;support the definition of future common project proposals where and when mandated by the European Commission;support other ad hoc strategic planning and monitoring activities (e.g. airspace architecture study-type activities);support the alignment of the ICAO aviation system block upgrade with the evolution of the European ATM Master Plan;support the SESAR 3 JU in content integration (i.e. modelling and integration of architectural information).
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