Innovating Works

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-05 / Temáticas


Temáticas obligatorias de los proyectos para la ayuda HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-05

Temática principal: The text outlines the need for a fully autonomous and chemistry-neutral Materials Acceleration Platform (MAP) for battery materials and interfaces to accelerate material discovery. The project aims to integrate computational modeling, materials synthesis, and testing to speed up the discovery of new battery chemistries with high performance. The focus is on developing tools and methods for battery materials optimization, autonomous battery-MAP demonstration, community-wide collaborative environment, predictive models for battery interfaces, and autonomous synthesis robotics. The project scope includes infrastructure tools, autonomous synthesis robotics, high throughput characterization, and scale-bridging models for battery interfaces, emphasizing data infrastructure development, automated workflows, synthesis robotics, and scale-bridging models for battery interfaces. The goal is to achieve TRL 3-4 by the project's end and contribute to the European Partnership on Batteries (Batt4EU).
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