ExpectedOutcome:The action is expected to contribute to the following outcomes within and across the EU industrial ecosystems:
Contribute to the achievement of the European industrial policy objectives, especially in relation to the green and digital transitions (twin transitions) and the circular economy;Contribute to the implementation of the ERA industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries[1] where relevant;Bring together the research world (projects, universities, innovation centres, etc.) with supply chains and stakeholders within industrial ecosystems to define standardisation needs and priorities, the role to be played by pre-normative research, and the contributions to be provided at the European and international standardisation level;Define roadmaps for pre-standardisation activities in emerging domains not yet covered by ongoing work;Establish a platform for the deployment of education and training in standardisation in the framework of the identified industrial sectors.
Scope:The first Annual Single Market Report [SWD(2021) 351 of 5/5/2021] identifies the following industrial ecosystems: 1. Aerospace &a...
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ExpectedOutcome:The action is expected to contribute to the following outcomes within and across the EU industrial ecosystems:
Contribute to the achievement of the European industrial policy objectives, especially in relation to the green and digital transitions (twin transitions) and the circular economy;Contribute to the implementation of the ERA industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries[1] where relevant;Bring together the research world (projects, universities, innovation centres, etc.) with supply chains and stakeholders within industrial ecosystems to define standardisation needs and priorities, the role to be played by pre-normative research, and the contributions to be provided at the European and international standardisation level;Define roadmaps for pre-standardisation activities in emerging domains not yet covered by ongoing work;Establish a platform for the deployment of education and training in standardisation in the framework of the identified industrial sectors.
Scope:The first Annual Single Market Report [SWD(2021) 351 of 5/5/2021] identifies the following industrial ecosystems: 1. Aerospace & Defence, 2. Agri-food, 3. Construction, 4. Cultural and Creative Industries, 5. Digital, 6. Electronics, 7. Energy Intensive Industries, 8. Energy-Renewables, 9. Health, 10. Mobility-Transport-Automotive, 11. Proximity, Social Economy and Civil Security, 12. Retail, 13. Textiles, 14. Tourism. Further ecosystems or cross-cutting themes (such as chemicals and materials) may be identified and their delineation adapted based on stakeholders dialogues and changing realities.
The Report analyses their different needs and challenges. In particular, the Report assesses the relevance of standardisation in each ecosystem and proposes specific actions to overcome existing barriers in the Single Market.
The action should cover the coordination/execution of pre-normative research activities in the various ecosystems with a view to exploit synergies among the stakeholders. The scope is to boost the interactions between research projects and pre-normative work in the various ecosystems, and to increase the European contribution and presence in the subsequent formal European and international standardisation processes in line with the objectives of the standardisation strategy that was published by the Commission on 2 February 2022 [COM(2022) 31 final]. Within the standardisation processes particular attention should be dedicated on establishing interoperability standards for data sharing within and across the ecosystems, through the implementation of the FAIR data principles[2] and leveraging on already adopted practices especially those in the relevant European common data spaces and in the European Research infrastructures.
Additionally, a strategy for education and skills development within the ecosystems should be developed, associating social partners when relevant.
In order to achieve the expected outcomes, international cooperation is strongly encouraged.
The action should build on or seek collaboration with existing projects and develop synergies with other relevant European, national or regional initiatives, funding programmes and platforms. In particular, the resulting CSAs should ensure a sensible coverage within their domains and strive towards international cooperation, especially with the international standardisation organisations ISO, IEC and ITU, and similar organisations such as OECD.
[1] The roadmap is published at https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c9f70ebf-b48e-11ec-9d96-01aa75ed71a1/
[2]Turning FAIR into reality: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/turning_fair_into_reality_1.pdf
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