Innovating Works


Evolution of political extremism and its influence on contemporary social and political dialogue
Expected Outcome:Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes:
Sólo fondo perdido 0 €
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Expected Outcome:Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes:

In-depth understanding of the major factors contributing to the present rise of extremist narratives and of their influence on mainstream worldviews, discourses and policies across European countries in their local and global context.Formulation of multi-level policy recommendations to help counter these extremist narratives while limiting their spread and impact. Scope:The COVID-19 crisis risks further strengthening extreme political narratives that have already been rising starkly across Europe. These narratives fuel the demand for more protectionism, nation-state localisation of production and tougher frontier controls, while depicting foreigners as a threat to national wellbeing. On an ideological plane, political extremists often show disdain for the rights and liberties of others but resent the limitations of their own activities. More extreme forms embrace engagement in ideologically driven criminal activity and violence.

Some of the greater impacts of extreme narratives on society stem from their influence on mainstream political discourses and policies. This... ver más

Expected Outcome:Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes:

In-depth understanding of the major factors contributing to the present rise of extremist narratives and of their influence on mainstream worldviews, discourses and policies across European countries in their local and global context.Formulation of multi-level policy recommendations to help counter these extremist narratives while limiting their spread and impact. Scope:The COVID-19 crisis risks further strengthening extreme political narratives that have already been rising starkly across Europe. These narratives fuel the demand for more protectionism, nation-state localisation of production and tougher frontier controls, while depicting foreigners as a threat to national wellbeing. On an ideological plane, political extremists often show disdain for the rights and liberties of others but resent the limitations of their own activities. More extreme forms embrace engagement in ideologically driven criminal activity and violence.

Some of the greater impacts of extreme narratives on society stem from their influence on mainstream political discourses and policies. This phenomenon is notably reflected by alarming outcomes in national and European opinion polls and elections. Therefore, the phenomenon seems to belong to a wider trend and should be analysed in its local and global contexts, including in connection with the strengthening of authoritarian, populist and extremist discourses in some countries. Certain anti-democratic sentiments also seem to be connected to and nurtured by conspiracy theories, possible bonds that could be flagged and examined for comprehensive understanding of all interacting factors.

Proposals are expected to address the following: Analyse the various forms of extremist discourses and narratives, their dynamics and disruptive potential. Take into account national specificities – embedded in their historical, social and cultural contexts – and transnational influences, within Europe and globally. Provide psychological, sociological and anthropological analyses of drivers behind violent political transformations. Explore the tension between tackling political extremism and human rights law on freedom of speech. Map the penetration of extremist ideology and argumentation into general media, social and political discourses. Proposals should analyse the drivers of such discourses, including the respective roles of the media, political spheres and popular sentiment and their interplay. They should propose evidence-based strategies to counter extremist discourses, prevent the spread of political extremism and limit its short and long- term impact. The action should develop corresponding policy recommendations.[1]

[1] Exploitation of synergies with successful proposals from topic “Enhanced fight against the abuse of online gaming culture by extremists” of Cluster 3 is encouraged. (HORIZON-CL3-2022-FCT-01-03)

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Temáticas Obligatorias del proyecto: Temática principal:

Características del consorcio

Ámbito Europeo : La ayuda es de ámbito europeo, puede aplicar a esta linea cualquier empresa que forme parte de la Comunidad Europea.
Tipo y tamaño de organizaciones: El diseño de consorcio necesario para la tramitación de esta ayuda necesita de:
Empresas Micro, Pequeña, Mediana, Grande
Centros Tecnológicos
Organismos públicos

Características del Proyecto

Requisitos de diseño: Duración: Requisitos técnicos: Expected Outcome:Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes: ¿Quieres ejemplos? Puedes consultar aquí los últimos proyectos conocidos financiados por esta línea, sus tecnologías, sus presupuestos y sus compañías.
Capítulos financiables: Los capítulos de gastos financiables para esta línea son:
Madurez tecnológica: La tramitación de esta ayuda requiere de un nivel tecnológico mínimo en el proyecto de TRL 4:. Es el primer paso para determinar si los componentes individuales funcionarán juntos como un sistema en un entorno de laboratorio. Es un sistema de baja fidelidad para demostrar la funcionalidad básica y se definen las predicciones de rendimiento asociadas en relación con el entorno operativo final. leer más.
TRL esperado:

Características de la financiación

Intensidad de la ayuda: Sólo fondo perdido + info
Fondo perdido:
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
The funding rate for RIA projects is 100 % of the eligible costs for all types of organizations.
Condiciones: No existe condiciones financieras para el beneficiario.

Información adicional de la convocatoria

Efecto incentivador: Esta ayuda no tiene efecto incentivador. + info.
Respuesta Organismo: Se calcula que aproximadamente, la respuesta del organismo una vez tramitada la ayuda es de:
Meses de respuesta:
Muy Competitiva:
No Competitiva Competitiva Muy Competitiva
No conocemos el presupuesto total de la línea pero en los últimos 6 meses la línea ha concecido
Total concedido en los últimos 6 meses.
Minimis: Esta línea de financiación NO considera una “ayuda de minimis”. Puedes consultar la normativa aquí.

Otras ventajas

Sello PYME: Tramitar esta ayuda con éxito permite conseguir el sello de calidad de “sello pyme innovadora”. Que permite ciertas ventajas fiscales.