ExpectedOutcome:Expected outcomes and deliverables
A full set of requirements for an operational QKD infrastructure facility covering EU needs in terms of testing, experimentation, and validation of QKD devices, technologies and systems, with a view to their standardisation and accreditation [within the first six months of the action];consolidated feedback from the national deployments at real scale, identifying the complementary activities (including technology developments) required to establish a complete the EU QKD ecosystem;a well-coordinated assessment of the first deployments of EuroQCI networks and systems for preparing the full deployment phase of the EuroQCI.
Objective:To coordinate the developments and findings of the national QCI projects; to prepare for the deployment of a flexible large-scale testing and certification QKD infrastructure that is in the service of all relevant actors of the participating Member States; and to assess the full-scale compliance of different EU technologies with a view to their later integration in EuroQCI. This support is needed to contribute to European technological autonomy in the highly strategic field of quantum c...
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ExpectedOutcome:Expected outcomes and deliverables
A full set of requirements for an operational QKD infrastructure facility covering EU needs in terms of testing, experimentation, and validation of QKD devices, technologies and systems, with a view to their standardisation and accreditation [within the first six months of the action];consolidated feedback from the national deployments at real scale, identifying the complementary activities (including technology developments) required to establish a complete the EU QKD ecosystem;a well-coordinated assessment of the first deployments of EuroQCI networks and systems for preparing the full deployment phase of the EuroQCI.
Objective:To coordinate the developments and findings of the national QCI projects; to prepare for the deployment of a flexible large-scale testing and certification QKD infrastructure that is in the service of all relevant actors of the participating Member States; and to assess the full-scale compliance of different EU technologies with a view to their later integration in EuroQCI. This support is needed to contribute to European technological autonomy in the highly strategic field of quantum communication technologies.
Scope:Prepare to deploy a large-scale testing and certification infrastructure for QKD devices, technologies and systems, facilitating their standardisation and accreditation at EU level. The infrastructure will define the requirements for a fully operational QKD infrastructure facility covering EU needs in terms of testing, experimentation, and validation of QKD devices, technologies and systems, with a view to their accreditation; (including the definition of mutual recognition criteria in security). Coordinate national QCI projects: support discussions on user requirements and use cases, and return of experience from the deployment of advanced national quantum systems and networks including on EU QKD components and systems; coordinate the activities for developing an EU QKD ecosystem and the industrialisation of QKD devices in the EU; support the discussions on the further development of the national deployment plans and strategic efforts, for achieving an overall EuroQCI system (spatial and terrestrial segments).
Delegation Exception Footnote:Implementation: European Commission
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